Security Guard Board Registration – sgbregistration 2023: Check how to register in sgbregistration, how to get Security Guard Job easily. सुरक्षा गार्ड की नौकरी आसानी से कैसे प्राप्त करें। अधिक जानने के लिए लेख पढ़ें। Read the article to know more.
The Maharashtra State Suraksha Rakshak and General Kamgar Union issued a notice, as well as the government, accepted registration on for the post of Security Guard. The SGB registration site also offers the registration procedure for Principal Employer, Employer Agency, Existing and New Security Guards as employees. Applicants can simply follow all of the stages in the registration process, which are listed below in an appropriate manner. On several occasions, performs an important function for the position of government job applicants. This job posting has been published on the Sgb official website. Candidates may struggle to fully understand the recruiting process if they are not provided with enough information.
इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ें। हमने इसमें बताया है कि आप SGB registration फॉर्म कैसे भर सकते हैं।

Table of Contents
Sgbregistration 2023
Security Guard Bharti 2023 of sgbregistration : Recruitment for the Security Guard Board is now open and available for all government job aspirants. Official links for Principal Employer Registration, Employer Agency Registration, and Registration of Former and New Security Guards are provided below. The online registration for the S.G. Board, Board’s Guards and Employers, and Total Other Registrations is now open at
उम्मीदवार को नीचे दिए गए सभी निर्देशों की जांच करनी चाहिए। जो उम्मीदवारों को इस नौकरी में रुचि है वह इसे नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके अप्लाई कर सकते है। Candidates should read the instructions before clicking the link provided at the bottom of this page. Interested candidates in the Security Guard Board recruiting for Security Guard Posts should read all of the terms and conditions before proceeding with the registration procedure. Candidates who are eligible and wish to apply for the position of security guard should read the whole article and register.
यहाँ भी पढ़े:
Security Guard recruitment age limit?
- Candidates in the General category must be between the ages of 18 and 33.
- Candidates from the SC/ST/OBC/SEBC categories must be between the ages of 18 and 38.
- There is no age restriction for Certified Security Guard.
- The age limit for ex-servicemen is 45 years.
Sgbregistration Physical requirements?
- Male candidates must be at least 162 cm tall and weigh 50 kg.
- 79 cm (deflated) chest 84 cm is the minimal size for the chest (inflated). minimum
- Female candidates must be at least 155 cm tall and weigh at least 48 kg.
- Is a medical examination required?
- The applicant must pass the Security Guards Board’s medical examination. Candidates who are colorblind are not eligible to register.
How to register
Any individual wishing to serve as a Security Guard must follow the process established by the Board for selecting a Security Guard and, upon acceptance as a Security Guard, apply for registering to the Government in the form devised by it. Security guards who are currently registered under the previous system will be considered to be registered under the new scheme.
- First, candidates should go to the Security Guard site and register using an email address and a mobile phone number.
- If you filled out your mobile number and email address, a pan card, and an Aadhar card are required in this recruitment. you must fill out the Id proof, such as your Aadhar card and pan card information, in the relevant page.
- Then fill out other details such as
- Information about family members (As Necessary-Father, mother, son, daughter, spouse), Nominee details, Employment details, necessary documents details and scanned copy, Job location provided, and Declaration.
- All qualified and wanted applicants must submit scanned documentation such as a picture, signatures, ration card, educational qualification, higher education certificate, and mark sheet as well as cast certificate if required.
- Candidates are advised to fill the online application form before the application deadline.
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Guidelines for Sgbregistration
- The criteria for new registration must be like the Board specify in consideration of local circumstances, physical fitness, ability, or experience. No one other than a citizen of India will be able to register, except a Gurkha who has been a citizen of Nepal and was working as a Security Guard in the State of Maharashtra on the designated day.
- Despite any other provision of this scheme, if the Board believes that a registered Security Guard of the Board obtained his registration by giving false information in his application whether by failing to provide any information required therein, or if it appears that a Security Guard was registered inadequately or improperly, the Board might indeed initiate the withdrawal of his name from the register.
- The Board may, however, provide such Security Guard an opportunity to demonstrate the reason why the requested direction should not be given before issuing any such direction.
- So at the time of registration under the Scheme, every Security Guard must pay a registration fee of one hundred rupees to the Board.
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